Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Minecraft Lobby, Server, Or Server And A Coded Website


I will build you an epic server!

The Best thing is if there is not a plugin for what you're looking for

 I will code one for you!. 

For the simple Package I will send you the world file

Which You can Then insert into your server

I can Build you a lobby or any mini game

For the GOOD package I will send you the server files

This Includes the run.bat file so you can run it straight from your computer

Or you can replace it with all the files you have if you are using a hosting service

If you are using a hosting service I recommend Apex Hosting or MelonCube

You Are able to pick 6 mini games of your choice

And Perms Will be set up with 10 or less different roles of your choice

I use LuckPerms But if you prefer another Perms plugin

Just Say and I will use it.

It also Includes a main lobby

And a seperate lobby for Each mini Game.

For The EPIC Package

I will do everything In the Good Package

But I will also code you a minimalist website

With any features you want Like a Forum, or a Contact page, Or even a Shop were players can buy Roles and Merch.

This Also Includes a domain!

And pre setup

emails with your domain


: : : : :

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