Sunday, August 30, 2020

Make You Advanced And Professional Roblox Gfx


Hey. I'm Snek, and you don't want details about me. Here's details about the product. 

This is a service modelling and rendering ROBLOX characters.

I will deliver you a render of your character with lighting done in whatever background you want.

I can also make custom ROBLOX characters. 

Any custom tools you provide will be featured. You will be sent a version and I will change anything you'd like. There is only one package, and it is full features.

When sending a request, please include the following:

  1. Character: Send me the name of the ROBLOX user or send me a base user and send whatever customization you need. You can also send me the roblox studio file with the character.
  2. Background: Any background image you want, I will add. Any setting you want, let me know and I will find one and make sure it fits perfectly.
  3. Lighting: Please send me any specifics: Ex. Shop lighting, sunny lighting, red highlights, anything!
  4. Resolution: If you want it to be a thumbnail, group logo, game logo, let me know. Default resolution is 1920 x 1080.

That's all you need to send. I'll make sure you send them if you don't.

Please note that I will ONLY send the finished PNG, in 1920 x 1080.


: : : : :

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