Sunday, July 12, 2020

3D Model Anything In Blender 3D


Working in Blender 3D for over 5 years, I will model any object complete with rendered previews, exported models and materials.

I work primarily in architectural design and mechanical models. I typically stay away from humanoid or character models.


Due to the  nature of accepting an unknown model project, times are subject to change depending on complexity. A set of modeled pop cans will take significantly less time than a fully modeled humanoid figure with clothes. I will not impose additional costs as I value the practice this will provide me, but your delivery times may be effected if model complexity exceeds what I am used to.



Extremely knowledgable and capable artist. Made sure the final deliverable was useful, even though our needs were somewhat non-orthodox. Much appreciate the effort and professionalism


Excellent 3D Artist. Thanks for your help and work. <3


Provided what I needed in the way I hoped for


It had some issues, but the Seller fixed them all! Very dedicated, Pro and hard working! loved his services


Another great job. Sam has never failed to exceed my expectations.

3D Model Anything In Blender 3D

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