Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Transform Your Ideas Into 3D Models And Renders


Note: Please do not hesitate to contact me before placing an order. This will ensure that you have chosen the correct option for your project.

The main aim is to provide you with a high quality 3D model ready for manufacturing (CNC milling / lathing / sheet metal bending / laser cutting / laser engraving / 3D Printing / plastic injection molding ) as soon as possible in order for you to resume the production phase in the shortest time possible.

In addition, I will create realistic renders for the visualisation purposes and marketing purposes. I will also be able to provide you with a 3D animation, if requested. 

Why me? I have a Master degree in mechanical engineering and have been working as an engineer in a fast-paced motorsport industry closely with the manufacturing facilities. This allows me to avoid any manufacturing limitation and deliver high quality results fast.

Sincerely yours,



: : : : :

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