Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Create A 3D Cad Model Of A Part Or Assembly


I will create a 3D CAD model of your part and include a digital engineering drawing and a photo-realistic render in a pose of your choice.

For the basic package, I will need at least a basic sketch with critical dimensions and communication about the degree of liberty I can take in the modeling process.

If you do not have a drawing or do not have a fully planned-out design, I also offer design consultation for parts through the standard plan, which also comes with more renderings.

For the premium plan, I will perform FEA thermal and/or structural analysis on your part, create multiple renderings with environments/backgrounds, and include an animation of the assembly's motion if applicable.

These upgraded plans necessitate more communication.

Note about assemblies: The intent in my pricing is for each independent part to count as its own gig, but I realize this is unreasonable in cases of small/simple parts. Let's communicate, I'm very flexible.


: : : : :

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