Sunday, March 14, 2021

Transform Your Ideas In Concrete Reality


Searching for a cool design for your new project? 
Have you had a great idea but you don't know how to create what you have in mind?
Or perhaps you just need a good render of a project you want to launch on the market.

I may be the right person for you.
Using my skills, I'll transform your ideas in concrete realities.

I've been working with SolidWorks, Fusion 360 and Autodesk Inventor for the last 4 years.
I obtained a certificate in SolidWorks of the level Professional after taking many classes.

With SolidWorks I can do, besides the basic stuff:

✔️-assembly of complicated parts with advanced couplings
✔️-design of complex mechanical parts, such as forks, gears, bearings..
✔️-2D design of 3D components or assemblies
✔️-renders of components or assemblies
✔️-design of surfaces
✔️-extrusions, cuts and other functions with the metal sheet mode
✔️-structural load and tension studies


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